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The group of research in atomic and molecular spectrometry and chromatography have carried out research on chemometrics, the determination of organic substances as well as the determination of trace-elements.

It is currently divided into three laboratories:

1. Atomic and molecular spectrometry and separation methods laboratory (LEAMS): Located in the room 427, Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha at Instituto de Química - UERJ. Holding suitable infrastructure for the determination os trace-elements and organic compounds.

2. Vibrational spectroscopy laboratory (LEV): Located in the room 427, Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha at Instituto de Química - UERJ. ​

3. Process Analytical Technology (LTAP): Located in the room 326, Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa at Cunha do Instituto de Química - UERJ. This laboratory holds the proper infrastructure to determine the physical proprieties of liquids, and to carry out analysis by molecular fluorescence.


          In the beginning, a Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis was created for the practical classes of Instrumental Analysis I and II of the Chemical Engineering Undergraduate of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Resources from the UERJ agreement with the Federal Revenue Secretariat (SRF) of the Ministry of Finance were used. The whole project of the laboratory structure was elaborated by Professors Aderval Severino Luna and Annibal Duarte Pereira Netto, currently teaching at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Fluminense Federal University, in the late eighties of the last century. Research activities were incipient at this time, as the existing analytical instruments were almost all scrapped and from the Carl Zeiss Jena of former East Germany.


          Only with the beginning of the Graduate Course in Chemical Engineering in 2004, was created a technical team to coordinate the laboratory activities covering the professors of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of UERJ. In this sense, we highlight the significant contribution of these researchers in the assembly of existing analytical infrastructure fully available for the research activities of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, as well as for the Graduate Course in Chemical Engineering at the masters and doctoral levels.

Infrastructure LEAMS
  • Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer iCAP 6300 (Thermo Scientific)

  • Flame atomic absorption spectrometer AAnalyst 300  (Perkin-Elmer)

  • Flame atomic absorption spectrometer iCE 3300 Thermo Scientific with hydride generation system VP100

  • UV-Vis Spectrometer (CamSpec)

  • UV-Vis Spectrometer (Cary 60 Agilent)

  • High performance liquid chromatograpgy  (Agilent)

  • Liquid Chromatograph Coupled with a Mass Spectrometry (Agilent 1260 Infinity II)

  • Capilary eltrophoresys Capel 105M (Lumex)

  • Spectrofluorimeter Panorama (Lumex)

  • Microwave-assisted digestion system Multiwave PRO (Anton Paar) ​

  • LEAMS supports the postgraduate program in chemical engineering providing analysis for students. The laboratory also carries out research to support projects funded by CNPq, FAPERJ, and FINEP, as well as cooperations with IFRJ, UFRJ, UNICAMP, and UFSC.

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Rio de Janeiro State University

Institute of Chemistry

Departament of Analytical Chemistry


Tel: +55 21 2334-0563

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